- Rates: $25.00/ half hour lesson. All payments are to be made via e-transfer
- Lessons are charged by the month (4 or 5 weeks, depending on the calendar)
- 24 hours notice of absenteeism is requested and appreciated (by telephone). Consideration will be given in cases of illness, bad weather or transportation problems.
- Students will be notified in advance regarding schedule changes for Christmas holidays, March Break, etc.
- Missed lessons will be made-up, provided adequate notice of absenteeism was given. Make up lessons are scheduled as we receive notice of cancelled lessons. We will make every effort to make up a missed lesson. We rely on your co-operation in providing us with adequate notice of absenteeism, whenever possible, and in making every effort to attend a scheduled make-up lesson. There are no time limits imposed on when make up lessons can be given.